Wednesday, December 24, 2008

On Achievement


I crafted the elusive fingerless glove. If you know me and are a friend or kin to me, this benefits you. Fingerless gloves for all!

My hands are smiling.

Also, HAPPY HOLIDAYS dear readers.

Friday, December 5, 2008

On Knitting

If you read the previous post, you know I like getting crafty. I have an affinity for knitting, which I've been doing for about 7 or 8 years. For the the first 6 or so years, I was content making scarf after scarf in a variety of patterns, colors, and stitches. It recently occurred to me that I should be progressing in this craft, so this will be my winter of experimentation. With loads of support from my knit buddy numero uno, B, I've undertaken knitting in the round. I can now make a pretty decent glove. My next challenge is the dreaded sock.

Hopefully this season will breed tons of cool stuff that I could possibly end up selling . . . or bestowing as gifts.

Here's a recent pattern I've been working from: Pele

Just thought I'd share this, as it is the hobby that is consuming much of my time these days.

Updates and pictures to come.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On Joy

So a few days ago, my friend and sometimes life coach Kate passed a little mission on to me. I have to name six things I do for joy and then pass it on to 6 more creative bloggers. Sadly (or happily), all the creative bloggers I know have already received and fulfilled this little mission. Nonetheless, I present Six Things that Bring Me Joy:

1) Going to the craft store is one of my favorite things to do. Not sure how many of you know this buy I'm crafty. Not in the conniving soap opera way, in the I knit, crochet, and make and paint things for fun way. I love looking at the yarn and beads and buttons and ribbon and fantasizing about future projects. Taking me to a craft store is like taking a puppy to a Milkbone factory, which brings me to my next source of joy . . .

2) Petting/harassing/baby talking dogs - Everyone who knows me knows I'm am a dog fanatic. I absolutely love them, all of them. My neighborhood is filled with dogs and not a day goes by that I don't inform a neighbor of how cute their schnauzer is or ask to pet an enthusiastic choco lab. I have two dogs back home that I miss terrible, especially in the winter, which is prime bedtime snuggle season.

3) I feed pigeons. Yes what some call "flying rats." Not only do I feed them, I feed them from my palm. Baltimore is full of bold pigeons who will walk right up to you and, when offered, will pluck a piece of blueberry muffin from your hand. They are such sad, hated little birds and it makes me feel good to be kind to them.

4) I nap. Gratuitously. Not just an hour but 3 or 4 of dreamless, wonderful sleep. It does a body good. Yes, better than milk.

5) I give gifts, little ones, usually handmade -- a mix CD, a scarf, a pint of gin (I wish I could say I make gin) -- it's one of the ways I show my appreciation for the people I care about.

6) Kissing (no explanation required)

This list was fun to make and I've loved reading my fellow bloggers' lists. What's astounding is that all the listed joyful items were so very simple. I feel lucky to know such down to earth human beings. Taking stock in the things that give one joy is essential to a happy life. I hope everyone who reads this will take on this mission or at least think about the little things that keep us going and enjoying life.